This component will calculate a boundary box and align its children accordingly.
<script lang="ts">
import { Canvas } from '@threlte/core'
import Scene from './Scene.svelte'
import { useTweakpane } from '$lib/useTweakpane'
const { action, addInput } = useTweakpane({
title: 'Align',
expanded: true
const x = addInput({
label: 'X',
value: 0,
params: {
min: -1,
max: 1
const y = addInput({
label: 'Y',
value: 0,
params: {
min: -1,
max: 1
const z = addInput({
label: 'Z',
value: 0,
params: {
min: -1,
max: 1
const precise = addInput({
label: 'Precise',
value: false
const showSphere = addInput({
label: 'Show Sphere',
value: true
const autoAlign = addInput({
label: 'Auto Align',
value: true
<div use:action />
<div class="relative h-full w-full bg-orange-500/20">
<script lang="ts">
import { T, useRender } from '@threlte/core'
import { Align, OrbitControls, RoundedBoxGeometry, TransformControls } from '@threlte/extras'
import { tick } from 'svelte'
import type { Box3, Vector3 } from 'three'
export let x: number = 0
export let y: number = 0
export let z: number = 0
export let precise: boolean = false
export let showSphere: boolean = false
export let autoAlign: boolean = false
let boundingBox: Box3 | undefined
let center: Vector3 | undefined
useRender(async ({ renderer, scene, camera }) => {
await tick()
renderer.render(scene, camera.current)
<OrbitControls />
<!-- The property autoAlign is not reactive, therefore we need to key it here. -->
{#key autoAlign}
on:align={({ boundingBox: newBoundingBox, center: newCenter }) => {
center = newCenter
boundingBox = newBoundingBox
<RoundedBoxGeometry args={[1, 2, 1]} />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="white" />
<RoundedBoxGeometry args={[1, 2, 3]} />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="white" />
{#if showSphere}
<T.SphereGeometry />
<T.MeshStandardMaterial color="white" />
{#if boundingBox && center}
<T.Box3Helper args={[boundingBox, 'white']} />
<T.DirectionalLight position={[3, 10, 5]} />
<T.AmbientLight intensity={0.1} />
<T.AxesHelper />
The grouped objects will be aligned on the x, y, and z axes by default.
import { T } from '@threlte/core'
import { Align } from '@threlte/extras'
<T.Mesh position={[-1, 0, 0]}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
<T.Mesh position={[1, 0, -2]}>
<T.BoxGeometry args={[1, 5, 2]} />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
, y
, z
You can also specify a number between -1 and 1 to align the objects on a respective axis. For example, providing x={1}
will align the objects to the left (with respect to the default camera), x={0}
will center the children, and x={1}
will align them to the right whereas x={false}
will ignore that axis completely.
import { T } from '@threlte/core'
import { Align } from '@threlte/extras'
<!-- Align left on the x-axis, ignore the y- and z-axes -->
<Align x={-1} y={false} z={false}>
<T.Mesh position={[-1, 0, 0]}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
<T.Mesh position={[1, 0, -2]}>
<T.BoxGeometry args={[1, 5, 2]} />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
By default, the component <Align>
will calculate the bounding box and align its children when the component mounts or any relevant props change. To account for child objects being mounted or unmounted, use the property auto
import { T } from '@threlte/core'
import { Align } from '@threlte/extras'
export let showOtherCube = true
<Align auto>
<T.Mesh position={[-1, 0, 0]}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
{#if showOtherCube}
<T.Mesh position={[1, 0, -2]}>
<T.BoxGeometry args={[1, 5, 2]} />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
The component <Align>
provides an event align
which fires when the child objects have been aligned. The event payload contains the following properties:
type AlignEventData = {
/** The outmost container group of the <Align> component */
container: Object3D
/** The width of the bounding box */
width: number
/** The height of the bounding box */
height: number
/** The depth of the bounding box */
depth: number
boundingBox: Box3
boundingSphere: Sphere
center: Vector3
verticalAlignment: number
horizontalAlignment: number
depthAlignment: number
on:align={({ width }) => {
console.log('The width of the bounding box is', width)
<T.Mesh position={[-1, 0, 0]}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />
Slot Props
The component <Align>
provides a slot prop called align
to schedule
aligning all child objects. Be aware that this will not immediately align the
objects, but rather schedule the alignment to happen exactly once per frame.
Itβs a manual alternative to auto
<Align let:align>
{#if showOtherCube}
<T.Mesh on:create={align}>
<T.BoxGeometry />
<T.MeshBasicMaterial />